Welcome to the let’s get there Playbook,
a compilation of best practices for climate action.
It’s getting hotter. Sea levels are rising. There are more intense storms and fire events because our typical daily activities release greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the air, creating an atmospheric blanket that traps heat and warms our planet.
You are part of the solution. You can help communities throughout the San Diego Region adapt to the changing climate and move toward a future where our air is fresh and neighborhoods are green. A future where we live our lives without adding more GHGs into the atmosphere.
By mid-Century we have a goal of net-zero GHG emissions in the San Diego Region and this Playbook offers a path for us all to meet that goal. Let’s get there!
You can make a difference
See what the region, communities, organizations, and individuals can do.
Collective climate action. This Playbook has solutions for all to contribute to the change needed, whether you participate in your home, workplace, community, or at the regional level.
5 decarbonization pathways
Use the online database or digital Playbook to find actions you can take within five different pathways along the road to net-zero carbon emissions.
Transportation: Improving the efficiency of how we get around through cleaner fuels and more transportation options.
Buildings: Uplifting resilience and resource conservation in how we design, construct, and operate the places we live, work, and play.
Electricity Supply: Reducing the amount of energy we consume and increasing the energy created from renewable resources.
Natural Climate Solutions: Restoring nature in our communities toward a balanced, thriving, and diverse ecosystem.
Food Systems and Circular Economy: Creating balance and harmony in how we purchase, consume, and dispose of all products.